1 FAQ tagged with ai
What is the policy on using ChatGPT to write comments or ask questions?
MetaFilter is a place for people to share their own knowledge and ideas with each other, not to interact with algorithms, so using ChatGPT or other generative AI tools is discouraged.
Please do not query ChatGPT or other LLMs and then post the output unless the discussion itself is about those types of tools, and in those cases, please clearly label what you are posting as coming from an AI tool. All other LLM content will be deleted.
You can use tools to assist you with fine-tuning your writing (ex: Grammarly or similar tools), or to conduct research if you verify all the information is correct before posting, but we want to know what you think, not what ChatGPT thinks.
(tags: chatgpt ai llm comments ) June 20, 2023 - permalink - back to questions
Please do not query ChatGPT or other LLMs and then post the output unless the discussion itself is about those types of tools, and in those cases, please clearly label what you are posting as coming from an AI tool. All other LLM content will be deleted.
You can use tools to assist you with fine-tuning your writing (ex: Grammarly or similar tools), or to conduct research if you verify all the information is correct before posting, but we want to know what you think, not what ChatGPT thinks.
(tags: chatgpt ai llm comments ) June 20, 2023 - permalink - back to questions