Frequently Asked Questions
This is a single FAQ from the MetaFilter FAQ.
How can I tell if a comment was made by a moderator?
As of 2021, official moderator comments will have a line around them, see this example.
Previously, official mod comments used small and square bracket to indicate official comments, like so:
[Mod comments used to look like this.]
Moderators are also regular users of the site, and they also participate in threads in a non-official capacity. If you're not sure how a specific mod comment is meant, ask using the contact form. If you're not sure if someone is a moderator, see the list of moderators here.
Moderators also have a "staff" badge on their profile pages, under their profile picture.
(tags: mods admins moderators staff ) December 15, 2012 - back to questions
Previously, official mod comments used small and square bracket to indicate official comments, like so:
[Mod comments used to look like this.]
Moderators are also regular users of the site, and they also participate in threads in a non-official capacity. If you're not sure how a specific mod comment is meant, ask using the contact form. If you're not sure if someone is a moderator, see the list of moderators here.
Moderators also have a "staff" badge on their profile pages, under their profile picture.
(tags: mods admins moderators staff ) December 15, 2012 - back to questions