4 FAQ tagged with paypal

Can I give someone a gift MetaFilter account?

Yes, just use this link and fill in your friend's email address. They will be able to choose their own handle once they register. The invitation will include your MetaFilter username and a link to your member profile so they know who gave them the gift. If you don't want them to know your MeFi username, you can log out before you do the transaction, and then the gift will be anonymous.
(tags: ) November 16, 2006 - permalink - back to questions

I want an account but I don't want to use PayPal. What do I do?

There is no self-serve way to get an account without using PayPal. However, you're welcome to contact the mods to help you set up an account manually if you want to work out alternate account payment arrangements.
(tags: ) December 26, 2006 - permalink - back to questions

I signed up but had a PayPal problem and now they say my username isn't available. What now?

When you start the sign up process, your username is reserved. If you don't finish signing up for some reason, the username is still reserved. If you come back to try to sign up again, you'll find the username is already taken. But it's taken by you! To fix this, use the "Log In" link (not the "Sign Up" link), with the username you've chosen, and you should be prompted to go through the remainder of the sign up process. If not, just contact the mods and we'll help figure out what's going on.
(tags: ) September 23, 2010 - permalink - back to questions

What does "I help fund MetaFilter" on profile pages mean?

In 2014, site founder Matt Haughey posted a MetaTalk thread about MetaFilter's financial problems. In that thread, community members and casual readers began contributing to the site's PayPal account through one-time donations and recurring payments. This new source of revenue was a step toward being member-supported rather than advertising-supported. We wanted to acknowledge those members who are providing this additional help to keep this place running with a note on their profile page.

For those who don't want the note to appear on their page, there's an option in site preferences to make the note inactive. Uncheck the box next to "Display funding message?" under "Contact / Privacy" settings. If you donated but somehow didn't get the profile message, just let us know via the Contact Us form and we'll set it up manually.

If you'd like to contribute, you can Help Fund MetaFilter.
(tags: ) May 21, 2014 - permalink - back to questions